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Schema Module


Contains metadata parsed from the text contents of the tweet.

This object is a subclass of the pydantic BaseModel which makes it easy to serialize the object with the .dict() and json() methods.


  • hashtags - Contains all hashtags parsed from the tweet. Example Bitcoin.
  • cashtags - Contains all cashtags parsed from the tweet. Example $BTC
  • urls - Contains all URLs parsed from the tweet excluding photo/video media links.
  • photos - Contains all URLs that link to photo media.
  • videos - Contains all URLs that link to video media.


Represents a status update from a twitter user.

This object is a subclass of the pydantic BaseModel which makes it easy to serialize the object with the .dict() and json() methods.


  • tweet_id - Twitter assigned id associated with the tweet.
  • tweet_url - Twitter assigned url that links to the tweet.
  • is_retweet - Represents if the tweet is a retweet.
  • is_pinned - Represents if the user has pinned the tweet.
  • time - Time the user sent the tweet.
  • text - Text contents of the tweet.
  • replies - A count of the replies to the tweet.
  • retweets - A count of the times the tweet was retweeted.
  • likes - A count of the times the tweet was liked.
  • entries - Contains the entries object which holds metadata on the tweets text contents.


 | def from_dict(cls, elements: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Tweet"

Creates Tweet object from a dictionary of processed text elements.


  • elements - Preprocessed attributes of a tweet object.


Tweet object.


The profile object contains Twitter User account metadata.

This object is a subclass of the pydantic BaseModel which makes it easy to serialize the object with the .dict() and json() methods.


  • username - The users screen_name, handle or alias. '@dgnsrekt'
  • name - The users name as they've defined it.
  • profile_photo - URL reference to the profiles photo.
  • tweets_count - The number of Tweets (including retweets) issued by the user.
  • following_count - The number of accounts the user is following.
  • followers_count - The number of followers this account has.
  • likes_count - Number of likes the follower has received.
  • is_verified - Indicates if the user has been verified.
  • is_private - Indicates if the users profile is set to private.
  • banner_photo - URL reference to the profiles banner.
  • biography - The users autobiography.
  • user_id - User identification number generated by twitter.
  • location - A user defined location.
  • website - A user defined website.


 | def from_dict(cls, elements: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Profile"

Creates Profile object from a dictionary of processed text elements.


  • elements - Preprocessed attributes of a profile object.


Profile object.