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Nitter Module


Provides helper methods for connecting to the docker client.


Nitter Docker container object


  • host IPv4Address - The host address the docker container will bind too.
  • port int - The port the docker container will listen to.


  • tempfile TemporaryFile - A TemporaryFile file generated from a template.
  • container Container - Local representation of a container object. Holds the started instance of a docker container.
  • address str - The full address of the docker container.
  • ports dict[int, int] - Binds the listening port to the nitter docker container's internal port 8080.
  • config_filepath str - Path name to the generated tempfile.
  • volumes dict[str, dict[str, str]] - used to configure a bind volume.


 | def get_profile(username: str, not_found_ok: bool = False)

Scrapes nitter for the target users profile information.

This is a modified version of nitter_scraper.profile.get_profile(). This version automatically uses the address of the docker container as the primary address to scrape profile data.


  • username - The target profiles username.
  • not_found_ok - If not_found_ok is false (the default), a ValueError is raised if the target profile doesn't exist. If not_found_ok is true, None will be returned instead.


Profile object if successfully scraped, otherwise None.


  • ValueError - If the target profile does not exist and the not_found_ok argument is false.


 | def get_tweets(username: str, pages: int = 25, break_on_tweet_id: Optional[int] = None)

Gets the target users tweets

This is a modified version of nitter_scraper.tweets.get_tweets(). This version automatically uses the address of the docker container as the primary address to scrape profile data.


  • username - Targeted users username.
  • pages - Max number of pages to lookback starting from the latest tweet.
  • break_on_tweet_id - Gives the ability to break out of a loop if a tweets id is found.
  • address - The address to scrape from. The default is which should be used as a fallback address.


Tweet Objects


 | def start()

Starts the docker the container


 | def stop()

Stops the docker the container


def NitterScraper(host: str = "", port: int = 8080)

The NitterScraper context manager.

Takes care of configuring, starting, and stopping a docker instance of nitter.


  • host - The host address the docker container will bind too.
  • port - The port the docker container will listen to.


  • Nitter - An object representing a started nitter docker container.